Flute Exercises Vol. 2 (English Version)
Composer: Henrik Svitzer
Instrument: Flute Exercise Book
Level: Intermediate
Published: 2014
Price: €26.00
Item details
Description +
This exercise book is the fruit of many years of research and experience during my life and is based on the principle that the professional flutist of today has only a limited time each day to devote to his instrument. I have tried to collect the most essential exercises for the flutist so it will be easier to stay in shape and maintain a good form without having to consult 10 different books. It is my hope and purpose that these exercises will help the utist feel more condent with the instrument and reach good results and success. These exercises are also made for love to the flute playing.
Fingering Techniques, Cromatic Scales, Equalizing Exercises, Dynamics, Scales and Articulations.
Instrumentation +
Flute excercise book
About the composer +
Flute Professor at the Royal Danish Conservatory of Music.
Became Creative Associate at the Center for Creative and Performing Arts at the State University of New York and had his debut at Carnegie Hall 1986. Former principal flutist at the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra and at the Royal Danish Orchestra and has received many prizes from international competitions.
He has a huge international soloist career and recorded many CD’s, radio and TV programs in Japan, USA, and Europe and is a Project leader of “musical dialogue Ukraine - Denmark”. He is also a jury member of many internationals competitions and co-director of the Publishing House Edition SVITZER. He has given many international master classes worldwide.
Reviews +
"This is an excellent collection of flute exercises, which provides an interesting alternative to some of the more well-known volumes on the market. Svitzer includes a variation on the standard tone exercise which includes the consideration of vibrato and harmonics exercises which pay particular attention to the development of good intonation. There is a section on finger technique using a range of articulations which focuses on scale and arpeggio patterns, and the foreword includes some interesting notes and practice tips. The music is well presented with clear print and good quality paper, and the nature of the material makes it suitable for a range of playing standards".
Carla Rees,
FLUTE Journal of the British flute Society (No. 2 / 2012)
I am very pleased to present this splendid work done for all of us by Henrik Svitzer. Each note, each exercise is a reflection of a great knowledge and experience for the flutist. Finally a work book where music and art are closely intertwined and where it is shown that the one and the other are interdependent and mutually reinforcing as yin and yang. Thank you dear Henrik help us to improve ourselves and to share your great experience. Long live these exercises!Pierre-Yves Artaud
Credits +
Front cover artist: Gaia Gomes
Engraving: Henrik Svitzer
Copyright © Edition Svitzer
Printed in Copenhagen, Denmark