Flute Concerto
Composer: Carl Nielsen
Instrument: Flute and Piano
Level: Advanced
Published: 2011
Price: €35.00
Item details
Description +
András Adorján talks about his new edition in Flöte aktuell - 2.2012
...Für meine Neuedition gibt es natürlich musikalische, aber vor allem konzeptionelle Gründe. Ein sehr wichtiger Grund ist, dass in der neuen Ausgabe der Carl-Nielsen-Edition die Stichnoten sehr vermisst werden. Diese Ausgabe der Carl-Nielsen-Edition ist wissenschaftlich auf dem aktuellsten Stand und durch ihre Textkritik und Berücksichtigung von neu entdeckten Quellen vorzüglich. Trotzdem war Telmányis Erstausgabe für den praktischen Gebrauch vielen Flötisten lieber, da Stichnoten in einem für ein Flötenkonzert einzigartig kammermusikalisch angelegten Werk nicht nur nützlich, sondern beinahe unentbehrlich sind. In meiner Ausgabe habe ich versucht, die Vorteile beider Editionen zu integrieren...
...There are of course musical, but first of all conceptional reasons for my new edition. A very important reason is the fact, that the cue notes are very much missing in the new Carl-Nielsen-Edition. This new Carl-Nielsen-Edition is on the highest scientifical level due to the recently gained insight of the newly discovered sources. Nevertheless many flautists prefer the first edition by Telmányi for practical use, as the cue note are not just useful but almost essential in such a chamber musically written flute concerto. In my edition I have tried to combine the advantages of both editions...
Instrumentation +
Flute and Piano
About the composer +
Carl August Nielsen (9 June 1865 – 3 October 1931) was a Danish musician, conductor and violinist, widely recognized as his country's greatest composer. Brought up by poor but musically talented parents on the island of Funen, he demonstrated his musical abilities at an early age. He initially played in a military band before attending the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen from 1884 until December 1886. He premiered his Op. 1, Suite for Strings, in 1888, at the age of 23. The following year, Nielsen began a 16-year stint as a second violinist in the prestigious Royal Danish Orchestra under the conductor Johan Svendsen, during which he played in Giuseppe Verdi's Falstaff and Otello at their Danish premieres. In 1916, he took a post teaching at the Royal Academy and continued to work there until his death.
Reviews +
Carl Nielsen’s flute concerto is, together with Jacques Ibert’s, among the most popular and most widely performed flute concertos of the 20th Century.
"This is an intelligent edition which is clearly printed and provides effective study material ... an excellent practice tool, and is likely to be invaluable in the preparation of this piece ... Highly recommended".
Elisabeth Hobbs, editor
The Journal of the British Flute Society (December 2011)
"The new edition of the recent and young innovative Danish publisher Edition Svitzer combines the advantages of the two previous editions ... Included in the music there are exhaustiv comments about the work and days of Nielsen ... This edition was revised and corrected by Maestro András Adorján".
Francisco-Javier López, editor
Association of Andalucia (January 2012)
"The new edition of the Carl Nielsen Flute Concerto edited by András Adorján is remarkable for its originality and significance ... The graphic idea of printing the solo orchestral parts in red is very useful ... The edition is accompanied by an extensive critical and historical apparatus, and stands as an absolute reference point not only in relation to the Nielsen Concerto, but also as a guide for modern publishing".
Gian-Luca Petrucci, editor
Falaut (December 2011)
"Every once in a while something comes along that is so brilliant and obvious, you wonder why it has not been done before. This is the case for the new edition of the Carl Nielsen Flute Concerto ... This new edition is printed on heavy stock 8.75" x 12" paper and careful attention has been given to page turns. It is a must have for every serious flutist".
Patricia George, editor
Flute Talk (December 2011)
"...durch das großzügige Seitenformat (22 x 30,5 cm) entstand ein sehr wohltuendes Erscheinungsbild; auch die zum Einstudieren sehr nützliche Idee einer zweiten Flöte hat man wieder aufgegriffen. ...Der Herausgeber András Adorján gab der Ausgabe ein loses Blatt „Why a new edition“ mit auf den Weg um seine neue Ausgabe allen Kollegen - Solisten, Lehrern und Studenten – zu empfehlen. So könnte der Rezensent sich das eigentlich sparen, tut es aber dennoch gern".
Zeljko Pešek, editor
Tibia (March 2013)