Etudes for Marimba Vol. 1
Composer: Tim Ferchen
Instrument: Marimba
Level: Intermediate
Published: 2009
Price: €16.00
Item details
Description +
Duration: 15 min.
These marimba etudes were written to provide the intermediate player with challenging solos using two or four mallets and either a 4 1/3 or 5 octave marimba. They are written in the spirit of Clair Musser's etudes and I hope that they can give students as much enjoyment and challenge as Musser’s wonderful pieces have throughout the years.
Tim Ferchen
Tim Ferchen is one of the most original voices in percussion composition as demonstrated by his Etudes for Marimba Vol. 1. The Ferchen etudes are in the spirit of the legendary etudes for marimba by Clair Omar Musser, conveying the same joy of expression, but with the addition of harmonic twists and rhythmic ingenuity that create compelling music. In these etudes, the performer is provided with interesting challenges while the listener is rewarded with a kaleidoscope of musical treasures.
Russell Hartenberger
University of Toronto-----------
Tim Ferchen's Etudes for Marimba Vol. 1 are wonderful works. They give creative players ample room to explore phrasing, dynamics, tempi and mallet selection. Their harmonies, rhythms and structures, though grounded in classical practice, are filled with intriguingly modern nuances.
These etudes are challenging, but musically satisfying. They are a welcomed addition to a modern marimba music that can be felt as well as technically admired.Robin Engelman
Member of Nexus
The Percussive Arts Society Hall of Fame
Artist in Residence, University of Toronto Faculty of Music
Instrumentation +
About the composer +
For more information please contact the Publishing House.
Reviews +
Review (Percussive Notes, May (59) 2012)
This collection includes five pieces: “The C Minor Etude,” “The Autumn Etude,” “The Winter Etude,” “The Spring Etude,” and “The Kolibri.” Only one etude requires a 5.0-octave instrument and one requires a 4.6-octave instrument; the remaining three are playable on a 4.3-octave marimba. The “Autumn” and “Winter” etudes require four mallets, while the others are primarily monophonic with occasional diads and could be performed with two mallets.
The collection is listed with a duration of 15 minutes and contains a variety of meters and keys with a cautious use of chromaticism. The etudes utilize a limited rhythmic vocabulary, and four of the five etudes fall into a predictable tripartite form (fast, slow, fast). Each etude is judicious in its amount of material and development, creating short, coherent compositions that are enjoyable to learn. These works would be suitable for undergraduate recitals.
A program note by the composer along with comments by two members of Nexus can be found on the publisher’s website.
—Ron Coulter
Credits +
Photo: Tim Ferchen
Front cover graphics and layout: Ronni Kot Wenzell
Engraving: Johan Svitzer
Printed in Copenhagen, Denmark
Copyright © Edition Svitzer